The 3-month term

The application for family reunification (also called mvv in Dutch) must be submitted within 3 months after the referent has been informed that he or she has been granted an asylum permit. This is referred to as the 3-month term. This is a very important and fatal deadline! If the deadline is missed for no excusable reason, the applications for an mvv can no longer be submitted, which has as a result that the regular procedures must be followed which have stricter conditions.

In the event that the family member has entered the Netherlands earlier than the referent, the 3-month term criterion is met. Family members who entered the Netherlands on their own initiative (and possibly without a valid mvv) within the 3-month term also meet this criterion.

If the family members of the referent are without trace, it is very important to submit the application for family reunification within three months. This application shows the intention to have the family member in question come over as soon as possible. If the family members are missing, the Tracing Bureau of the Red Cross can be of help. Keep a record of the correspondence carefully; it may be important at a later stage to demonstrate the intention to reunite the family member as soon as possible.

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