
Many asylum applications are rejected because the INS does not believe the story of the asylum seeker. This could be, for example, because the asylum seeker has made contradictory statements or the INS does not consider the story plausible. For example, it is not easy to prove that someone becomes a Christian if he or she used to belong to the Islam. The first hurdle in this situation is why someone converted, now he or she grew up with certain norms and values and were confronted with a certain religion at an early age already. This process of turning away and then the process of becoming part of another religion must be explained to the INS, because otherwise the INS will not believe the asylum seeker's story which has as a result that the INS will not believe that the asylum seeker is in danger if he or she returns to his or her country of origin. Even if the asylum seeker knows the Bible by heart, the INS may still find the process of conversion implausible.

Berte Advocaten employs specialised asylum lawyers who know how the IND assesses this process and who, with their years of knowledge, can advise you even before you are heard by the IND. If you would like advice, please contact us via 103 53 53 885 or register your case using the form on our website.
