Asylum law

Asylum literally means "sanctuary" and is derived from the Greek word asulon which means "sanctuary", a place where there is no looting. An asylum seeker is a foreign national who wants to stay in the Netherlands because he is looking for protection The Netherlands is in this case the sanctuary.

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (INS) is the organisation that, on behalf of the State Secretary for Justice and Security, takes decisions concerning, for example, the granting or withdrawal of asylum residence permits.

Asylum law is constantly changing and a large part of the asylum law is influenced by European rules (directives). At Berte advocaten, there are two attorneys specialized in asylum law. Both attorneys have many years of experience and they keep their knowledge up to date. They meet the requirements set by the Council for Legal Aid and the Dutch Bar Association to provide legal assistance to asylum seekers as attorneys.

At Berte advocaten you get a honest advice. If our attorneys think an application or appeal procedure will not be successful, our attorneys will be honest with you. We never give any guarantees with regard to the outcome, but we do guarantee that we will do our utmost best and use our knowledge and decisiveness to reach the best result possible.
