Attorneys in Tilburg

The attorneys at Berte Advocaten make sure your interests come first. Together with you, we aim for the best possible end result. Decisive, committed and with knowledge of the law, we will fight to protect your interests.

Attorneys in Tilburg

At Berte Advocaten work attorneys from Tilburg whose beautiful working space is located in the heart of Tilburg. Our attorneys have been providing legal assistance to companies and individuals throughout the country for many years. We assist our clients in multiple different legal areas, such as criminal law cases, youth law cases, immigration law cases and asylum law cases.

Feel free to contact us and you will see that we will do everything we can to achieve the best possible outcome, and if possible we will even try to prevent a lawsuit. Of course, you do not just want a good attorney, you want the best attorney. That is why you need Berte Advocaten. Good, better, Berte Advocaten! We are there for you!

Berte Advocaten Tilburg


Criminal law

Need a criminal defense lawyer? 
Did you receive a subpoena? 
Did the government take your driving licence away? 

Youth law

Supervision order
Custodial placement
Custodial placement in a secure care institution
Juvenile law

Immigration law

Residence permit
Family reunification
Did you receive a fine WAV?

Asylum law

Asylum residence permit
Dublin procedure
Safe country of origin
Family reunification

"Good better Berte Advocaten! We are there for you!

― Berte Advocaten


Witwassen, het komt vaker voor dan je denkt!

“Hee pap, net een klein ongelukje gehad met mijn telefoon. Dit is even mijn nummer waar ik tijdelijk op te bereiken ben.” Van zo’n onschuldig appje zou je verwachten dat er geen kwaadwillende gedachten achter zitten, maar vaak is dit juist het begin van een zogenaamde WhatsAppfraude. WhatsAppfraude-incidenten, een vorm van fraude-incidenten waarbij criminelen zich […]

Wetsvoorstel KOA; de oplossing voor matchfixing?

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