mr. Piet Hein Hillen
I was born in Tilburg and also attended secondary school (Theresialyceum) and the University (at the start of my studies called the Catholic College Tilburg) in Tilburg. In 1992 I graduated. After I was sworn in as a attorney in February 1993, I mainly focused on criminal law and immigration law and asylum law . It is precisely in these areas of expertise that my qualities (fighting spirit and tenacity) come into their own. This fighting spirit has not diminished since I started working as an attorney, more than 25 years ago.
I registered myself for these areas of law as well as temporary custody casesÂ
in het rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten. Deze registratie brengt de verplichting mee om elk jaar voor elk geregistreerd rechtsgebied 10 opleidingspunten te behalen en dit te vermelden op de website.
My expertise includes amongst others: the rights of Turkish workers and their family members, declaration of undesirability, travel ban and statelessness. The highlight of my career was the proceeding before the Court of Justice in Luxembourg in the Pehlivan case. The biggest disappointments, but that applies to many asylum attorneys, are the Afghan 1F cases. According to my, the way in which the asylum applications of a large number of Afghans have been dealt with by the INS is a real blot in Dutch Asylum Law.
Based on my up-to-date knowlegde and years of experience, I always give a honest advice about your chances in proceedings, even if this is "bad news".
I am member of the Specialists Migration Attorneys Association.
In addition, I am also a talented hobby chef and a great (mainly passive) sports enthusiast.
Tel: 06-25077299