Acts of violence

Did you experience violence at home, while going out or in any other place, and have you been identified as a suspect by the police? Do not hesitate and register your case using the online form on our website or contact Berte Advocaten by telephone to discuss your situation.

The term 'acts of violence' covers, just like the terms 'sexual offences', 'property offences' and 'traffic offenses', a wide range of criminal offences. Some examples are:

Murder in the first degree, Article 289 of the Dutch Criminal Code

Murder in the second degree, Article 287 of the Dutch Criminal Code

Physical abuse, Article 300 - 304 of the Dutch Criminal Code

Public assault, Article 141 of the Dutch Criminal Code

Threat, Article 285 of the Dutch Criminal Code

Destruction, Article 350 of the Criminal Code

Tip: If the police want to interrogate you, make sure you have spoken to an attorney first. Your statement at the police station can make the difference between a conviction or an acquittal. Moreover your statement can be decisive in determining the appropriate sentence for your situation. For example, it could be that you did not attack someone but that you were defending yourself. Self-defense does not, under certain circumstances, qualify as a criminal offence. Moreover, it could be that you did not kill another person on purpose but that it was just an incident. Consulting an attorney before the police interrogation increases the chances that you do not forget important aspects and that you phrase them correctly. An attorney who knows how to deal with acts of violence can prepare you for the police interrogation and help you by determining the best strategy in your case.
