Sociaal zekerheidsrecht algemeen

Almost every citizen deals with social security law at some point in his life. For example, as an employee you will have to deal with social security law if you become ill or if you risk becoming unemployed. As an employer, on the other hand, you will have to deal with social security law if, for example, you received a benefit which you are not entitled to. Social security law also applies to the procedures related to the social assistance benefit and the benefits you as a citizen receive from the government. 

If you do not agree with a decision of your municipality, DUO, the UWV, the tax authorities or any other authority that operates in the field of social security law, please contact one of our attorneys as soon as possible. In most cases, you can object to such a decision by sending a so-called bezwaarschrift to the authority that took the decision in the first place. It is important that you object on time and that you send the letter to the right authority. In addition, a number of formalities should be taken into account and it is important that the (legal) substantive arguments are presented well. Our attorneys have the required knowledge and skills to assist you and submit the objection letter on time. Most of the time the letter should be submitted within six week, so please contact us directly via 013 53 53 885 to discuss your options for free with one of our attorneys, or register your case using the form on our website and we will reach out to you.

Do you have any questions?

We are here for you!
