Criminal court hearing

1: Opening of the hearing

First of all the judge will check your personal information/personal data to see if the right person is present during the hearing. The judge will also inform you about your rights, namely that you are not obliged to answer (the so-called caution). Moreover the judge will explain to you that it is important that you listen carefully during the court hearing. After the opening, the public prosecutor will be given the floor.

2: Indictment

The Public Prosecutor works for the Prosecutor's Office, the Dutch institution that is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences. The prosecutor will speak on behalf of the Prosecutor's Office during the hearing. After the opening of the hearing the prosecutor will inform you about the charges you face.

3: Questions by the judge

After the prosecutor has informed you about the charges you face, the judge will ask you a couple of questions about the crime you allegedly committed. Besides the judge will ask you some questions about you as a person and your personal circumstances. The prosecutor and your attorney may also ask you questions about the crime you allegedly committed and your personal circumstances.

4: Prosecution speech / closing statement

After the questions of the judge, the prosecutor will be given the floor again. The prosecutor will try to explain to the judge if the Prosecutors Office shares the opinion that you committed the crime based on the evidence present and if so what kind of sentence would be appropriate taking into account your personal circumstances.

5: Plea (the lawyer's point of view)

After the prosecution speech, your attorney will be given the floor and your attorney speak on your behalf during the so-called plea. Your attorney will plead for an acquittal if possible and otherwise for the lowest possible sentence.

6: Response by the prosecutor and the attorney

The public prosecutor may respond to the plea of the attorney during the so-called repliek. Your criminal defense attorney may respond to the repliek of the prosecutor during the so-called dupliek.

7: Last word

As a suspect, you always get the last word.

8: Closure of investigation and the ruling or verdict

After the last word, the judge closes the investigation. If a single judge has to decide on your case, most of the time the judge will immediately tell you what the verdict will be. If your case is heard by three judges, the so-called plural chamber, the decision follows fourteen days after the hearing.
